And the Oscar goes to… ISLAMOPHOBIA!

‘And the Oscar goes to ISLAMOPHOBIA’ by Carlos Latuff on Sep 15, 2012

You know what’s this about, but in case you still don’t, just check out the 14 minutes trailer of Innocence of Muslims by a Christian from the USA so-called Sam Bacile, the video that has angered Muslims around the world. For sure if it ever wins any Oscar it will be the Oscar on Islamophobia, as Carlos Latuff tells us in his cartoon.

The trailer of what was supposed to be a 2 hours long film was first published online in July 2012, but started generating attention when it was translated to Arabic. The film, which is very poorly made, criticises and insults Prophet Muhammad and Islam, and it has become another infamous example of Islamophobia.

The clashes that have erupted in many Muslim countries coinciding with September 11 have costed the lives of 4 staff members of the USA consulate in Libya, the consul among them. At the moment of writing this post, the protests in many Muslim countries have escalated, but is the reaction to the anti-Islam film justified? Check Inside Story in Al Jazeera to know more.